Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Whole wheat Coconut and Cashew cake baked with Coconut Oil

Ihappened to see this interesting combo ultimately made into perfect moist muffins in Dershana's space and I found myself whipping up the cake the very same day!
Dershana, a charming girl, hails from my native town, grew up in the same little community and completed her graduation from the same old college I had been, is my classmate Archana's cousin as well.
This interestingly combined cake batter, she admits, is her invention instilled by the demands of her cute little school going kid! So, obviously this is a kid friendly recipe.
The flavour of  fresh coconut, wheat, coconut oil and cardamom is a delicious melt in your mouth combo complimented by the richness of the cashews!

Something which spread a smile on my face in her recipe was the way the batter is prepared!
The ingredients all in a chutney jar to begin with! :)...such a down to earth method which doesn't call for 'cream butter and sugar' as the initial whip as you find in the usual batter preps!

Wholewheat Coconut and Cashew cake made with Coconut Oil
Adapted from the footloose chef

Get ready with:

 Caster sugar - 1/2 cup (if you dont have caster sugar, just run your regular sugar in the mixie to powder it)
 Wheat flour - 1/2 cup + dessert spoonful
 Fresh grated coconut - 3 dessertspoons (about 30 gms)
 Unroasted cashewnuts - 10 Nos
 Baking powder - 1/2 teaspoon
 Virgin coconut oil - 1/4 cup ( I used the regular oil)
 Egg - 1 large
 Milk- 2 tbsps (this is the only addition I made from the original recipe)
 Cardamom - 4-5 pods


Place the sugar, coconut, and cashews in the chutney jar of your mixie or the coffee grinder and pulse a few times to powder together. Add the egg, cardamom seeds, and oil and whisk again. Using a flat ladle mix together the baking powder and flour. Pour in the wet mixture and fold in well. Add milk if necessary to form a thick cake batter. Water will be fine too. Preheat oven, pour batter into cupcake moulds (as in the original recipe) or you greased and dusted bundt pan (as in mine) and bake till a tooth pick poked in the centre comes out clear.

Mine got a bit over baked as I left it unattended towards the end for more than 5 minutes. So it wasn't as moist as in the original recipe. So be careful when you do the same.

It was delicious and I had an over load of it!
You just can't stop with a slice or two and would realise the richness of the cake (due to the rich ingredients present in it) only later :)

This is for coconut lovers!
Thank you Dersh, for the cute recipe :)

And this is for you, appa and amma, for your 42nd wedding anniversary! :)


  1. Beautiful clicks and cake chechy...Sounds flavourful and yummy.Bookmarking this...

  2. Wow so yummy n delicious... With coconut oil it's new for me...

    Event: Dish name starts with L


  3. so yummy! nice clicks


  4. Nice recipe and beautiful clicks too dear! Anniversary Wishes to aunty and uncle :)....

  5. Wow.. looks super delicious and tempting.. thanks for the awesome recipe :)
    Indian Cuisine

  6. I have never baked with coconut oil i love the idea and the flavour it might give.

  7. With coconut oil! I guess if you like the flavour it would be great. There are some dishes that are not the same without the addition of coconut oil.

  8. Yummy looking cake with coconut oil and wheat...Bookmarking this..

    1. Thank you reshmi.. lay your hands if you really like the dominating coconut flavor..:)

  9. Coconut and cashews is a good combination. I am sure it would have tasted awesome. NEver thought of it before.

  10. wow, that looks amazing and delicious.

  11. Wow!!!such an interesting recipe with wonderful combo,cake looks fabulous and tempting...

  12. love all the unique ingredients going in there. very healthy and delicious.

  13. Sounds inviting, looks yummy n soft cake...

  14. Looks nice and sounds very different, i love coconut oil, but in a cake? Cake looks crumbly and very very nice and I can almost smell it here!!!!


  15. Lovely recipe! I totally like the sound and look of it.

  16. hey chechi, a big hug for trying and posting about my recipe:-)and, thanks for the lovely intro:-) so glad you liked it. Lovely pictures. Wish uncle and aunty a very happy anniversery from me too.

  17. Finger licking...

  18. That looks decadent. Love your pics every bit. Yum yum!

  19. Just saw your guest post. Love it.
    this is a beautiful cake.

  20. Whole wheat flour and coconut does sound like an interesting combo.I have the same cake pan but I use it very rarely,sadly the better looking counterparts have taken over.Let me dust it up and use it asap:))

  21. That is an unsual combo but looks superb...what size is the tin??

    1. the size is not mentioned, prathibha, but its a 400ml capacity tin..

  22. Paru... Now i'll defenitely try this for two reasons 1.the receipe sounds interesting since i'm a coconut lover 2. I was also there in yr intro though you didn't mention my name :);)

  23. he he... the heroine is here...;)...k have added your name madame :)

  24. Hi Bharathy ,

    THANK YOU A LOT & LOT. What a drastic change?

    Feel very happy . I got 7 comments today only.

    intha Ellaa pugalum Bharathy kke.

    Thank you & take care...

  25. Coconut oil in a cake is not something I would have dared to use. But being a lover of all things coconut-y, I just might try this out.


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