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Monday, October 17, 2011

Eggless Wheat Cake (with Jaggery)

She looked sweet!
When I happened to see her first on the 'food fest' grounds a couple of months back, this girl was busy presenting her goodies on the plate. I watched her with a smile from some distance which she couldn't have possibly realised! Herself and me were among the 50 competitors who contested for the cooking contest arranged by the 'food fest' team.The ingredient for the day was 'wheat flour' (with which we were supposed to make something sweet!) Among the crowd of competitors she invariably stood out which would have probably caught my eyes!

I saw her working in a hurried way as she had to work with the toppings making it look perfect before we were asked to place the trays on the table for judgement. Since I was through with my wheat flour almond cookies, I walked up and offered help to this sweet girl who was already with her finishing touches.
I told her I would mind her handbags and things while she presents her plate on the table and she smiled and thanked me while hurrying off.

While we were waiting for the judge to arrive, we had a chat. She introduced herself as Namrata and talked about her native place. We talked as if we knew for ages.
After the judgement got over we exchanged what we made. She happily shared her wheat flour cake and chocolate bombs while I shared my cookies.

The cake as well as the chocolate bombs were simply irresistible!
I absolutely loved the cake which was moist and light with a different taste and much "Indianish".She said it was eggless and had jaggery instead of sugar!
I had always thought of a cake sweetened with jaggery and here I am with a perfect recipe!
I got excited and couldn't wait to grab the recipe from her!

Eggless Wheat Cake


Wheat flour - 200gms
Jaggery - 1 cup (grated and loosely filled)
Milk - 1 cup (plus a tablespoon if you feel the batter too thick before transferring to the pan)
Oil - 1/2 cup ( sunflower or rice bran oil)
Soda - 1/2 teaspoon
Baking powder - 1/2 teaspoon
Vanilla - 1/2 tsp


Sieve flour, soda and  baking powder twice or thrice to combine or whisk in a bowl. Add jaggery and combine gently. Now it's the turn for the milk and the vanilla and lastly the oil. Use a spatula and combine gently.
Bake in a preheated oven for 25-30 minutes with temperature set to 180 deg C or until done while the skewer inserted comes out clean.

-->Namrata had used chocolate syrup and praline for topping the cake which went very well. If you wish to do the same, decrease the amount of jaggery to 3/4 cup.

-->Substitute milk with soy milk for a vegan version.

The result was announced later at night and for our pleasantest surprises we bagged the second and third prizes for the cookies and the choc bombs! :) :)


  1. Wow,what a texture and the clarity of your clicks~ chance less :) I liked the recipe too..

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I have never won with the wheat flour substitute with cake and urs look so perfect and lovely texture too...Bookmarked to try!!

  4. me too bookmarking this.what a wonderful click .

  5. Lovely cake dear,the first click is simply superb with the lining impression.I felt very happy if my exemplar is in my friends list.

  6. bookmarking this recipe dear.Luv d addition of jagery...healthy nd delicious cake..

  7. loved the texture of the cake..looks superb...very healthy

  8. the cake looks superb and moist! And i too have always wanted to substitute sugar in the cake batter with jaggery..

  9. Excellent cake,looks super spongy and moist..

  10. Excellent, moist cake...Cant get any healthier than this!!!
    Prathima Rao
    Prats Corner

  11. Looks delicious, nice combo of wheat and jaggery; will try sure

  12. OOh This sounds sooo delicious! Love the taste of whole wheat and have been digging for cake recipes. Can't wait to try this! Thank you and your new friend :)

  13. This looks great, I should try this, actually I think I have all the ingredients too... Perfect healthy cake!

    I love the way you narrated your story and pictures are awesome as always. :)

  14. perfectly baked and jaggery is a is a nice substitute for the sugar

  15. Wow! A cake with jaggery and wheat flour .To be frank,I avoid baking because of all unhealthy ingredients in it. Today u have given a perfectly healthy cake! Thanks for sharing .

  16. Fabulous recipe Bharathy. I made this last week and just posted about it. Loved the taste and texture of the cake.

  17. I finally got down to bake this. 1st time was a flop, I figured the trouble was over mixing. Second time it came out perfect, I added cardamom and really loved the flavours. It's a big hit in my family. Thanks for sharing... :)

  18. Loved this simple recipe...... Baked it immedietly as I had all the ingredients handy... I added a dash of dry ginger powder it tasted like ginger bread (with indian touch).. Thanks for sharing this simple and superb recipe.

  19. hi,

    In this recipe, 1 cup means how many grams?

  20. I've been looking for a sugar free, whole wheat cake recipe for a while now, but been disappointed with many a recipes. This however was PERFECT. I added 2 ripe bananas and some chopped walnuts to the already perfect recipe and it was still DELICIOUS. THANKS A TON for sharing.


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