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Friday, October 28, 2011

Kutti Kathrikkai Podi Curry / Stuffed & Stir-fried Baby Brinjals

I learnt this recipe from my ma in law. This had been a special dish reserved for special lunches as the process was considered elaborate in a joint family. We used to stuff  more than 50 brinjals, yet we enjoyed doing this as we always did this together and never felt tiring as we would have thought about it before we started. The dish turns out perfect every time we make it and unlike...
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Saturday, October 22, 2011

For the hands that cooked, for the fingers that typed...

It has been almost 4 years since I am into blogging and 2 years since I'd commercialised the space. I had my plans to buy a DSLR when the amount hit 1000 USD, but when that was gifted by the dear husband earlier this month, I chose to buy a (my very first) diamond ring, to beautify the hands that cooked and the fingers that typed... Place where the ring was purchased ~ GRT, Chennai Particulars...
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Friday, October 21, 2011

100 Yummy Diwali Sweet Recipes ~ The e-book by Indus Ladies!

The special e-book by Indus ladies is now available for a for a free download here. The book will surely be much beneficial for the readers, world wide, who are on the look out for a sweet or a dessert recipe, this Diwali!  My contribution, Godhumai Jira is included in the e-book along with the other tongue ticking recipes apt for the season. Thanks again to the team for all those...
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Monday, October 17, 2011

Eggless Wheat Cake (with Jaggery)

She looked sweet! When I happened to see her first on the 'food fest' grounds a couple of months back, this girl was busy presenting her goodies on the plate. I watched her with a smile from some distance which she couldn't have possibly realised! Herself and me were among the 50 competitors who contested for the cooking contest arranged by the 'food fest' team.The ingredient for the day was 'wheat...
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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Jam Tarts

The reason for postponing to make Sweet Punch's jam tarts to the last moment was solely because I felt my son would absolutely love it!  He loved the flavour of Kissan's mixed fruit jam as an infant and later as a teen enjoyed Britannia's Jim Jam or any such jam filled/centred biscuits. Eventually I was planning to make these cuties last week when he was around for the holidays...
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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Tender Coconut Pudding

 The pictures of this recipe are Food Gawked and TasteSpotted.  The recipe was also tagged by the Foodbuzz  This pudding unties a bundle of sweet memories in me! I can hardly remember when and where exactly I tasted tender coconut pudding, first in my life, may be in one of the Christian weddings, but I had hugged the taste ever since it melted on my taste buds when...
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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

100 Yummy Diwali Sweet Recipes E-Book by Indus Ladies

Indus Ladies the largest  global online community for Indian women is a space where we discuss and share ideas about topics interesting to Indian Women. Discussions about cooking, family and relationships, kitchen and household, beauty and fashion, health, diet and fitness are a few to name. Thus the community undoubtedly paves way to long lasting friendships among the Indian ladies, globally! They are compiling an E-book for this Diwali that features 100 irresistibly...
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