Monday, December 31, 2012

Best of 2012 ~ Wrapping up for the year!

Mother earth has outlived the Mayan prediction and saved its beloved beings once again! The human race, amidst dilemmas debates about the end of the world, celebrated Christmas with peace and joy as always and is looking forward to the birth of yet another hopeful year! For us, bloggers? Yes, another year to wrap up; to review, feel proud and to showcase the best posts of the year. In spite of the hard work and the time involved for a blogger; food or general, he or she would admit...
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Friday, December 28, 2012

Easy Spicy Potato Roast

After the over doze of Christmas cakes, cookies, puddings and everything sweet, this potato roast served as an accompaniment for our simple meal, today. This dish is something I make very frequently for children, particularly as a side dish for their pack away lunch. An absolute kid freindly accompaniment! Today we woke up to see the cloudy dull morning.With no vegetables in the crisper, I...
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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Date & Cocoa Raw Truffles

There are a few recipes you come across while surfing that develop an instant urge to try. It isn't the impatient need to savour but to t.r.y (and b.l.o.g right away if you are an obsessive blogger) Sometimes it's because of the simplicity of the recipe; at times being classic and mostly we get hooked because of its elegance and the way it is presented. Date & Cocoa Raw Truffles are one...
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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Thumbprint Cookies

My son loves anything jam-centred. He has them as a meal apart snacking them. Surprisingly he wanted cookies instead of cakes this Christmas and I found myself searching for a simple cookie recipe of his kind. "Thumbprint Cookies are a very popular holiday cookie. They are made with a shortbread-like dough that is formed into balls and then rolled in either finely chopped nuts or dried...
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Monday, December 10, 2012

Kothu Parotta with Egg

Kothu Parotta is a famous street food in both Kerala and T.N. Astonishingly the ingredients and the method are the similar! Well, parottas are the favourite for both Malayalees and Tamils. Personally I love the kothu parotta version than the regular parathas with khurma. Undoubtedly parathas / parottas are gaining a  parallel fame about how unhealthy the dish is. Inspite of the controversies...
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