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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Kovakka Mezhukkupuratti / Stir-fried Tindoras

Tindoras don't really find a place among my regular lunch spread as my better half and kids totally dislike the vegetable.

Since we were more exposed to Kovakka, as children; though been regarded as a tasteless green veggie, yet well enough with this preparation; I make this stir fry once in a while just to satisfy my craving of those childhood days...

Here's my version of Kovakka/Ivy gourd Mezhukkupuratti.


Kovakka/Tindoras-2 cups-sliced thin, lengthwise.
Shallots/Small Onions-7-8 nos
Garlic- 2 flakes
Coconut Oil- A tbsp
Curry Leaves- a sprig
Mustard seeds-for seasoning-1/4 tsp
Salt- to taste


1. Wash the vegetable.Cut off the tips. (as Inji says here, slice them along lenghthwise as thin as possible so as to avoid pre-cooking). Somehow I ended up slicing them a little chunky as they were from my own garden and was not easy to get 'em sliced thin and again was forced to pre-cook (cooking till half done in a closed pan with salt, with just enough water).

2. Pulse the onions, red chillies and garlic in the mixie for not more than 5-10 seconds or crush them coarse using a hand mortar.

3. Heat oil in a non-stick pan, splutter mustard seeds, sauté crushed onion- garlic- chilly mixture till raw smell disappears, for a few seconds.Throw in curry leaves.

4. Add the vegetable and mix well so as to get coated with the spices. Keep the pan open, on a medium flame, tossing well, once in three minutes.

5. Remove from fire when they are roasted or acquire a golden brown hue, here and there.This would take 20 minutes time, more or less. Remove from fire and serve hot with rice.


  1. Bharathy, the kovakka stir fry I have learnt actually tastes not too bad I don't remember eating this back home and here this was the only green and fresh vegetable available throughout the year so have learned to like it

  2. This looks so yummy delicious. Back at home mom ised to make kovakka but in a thoran kind.
    How is the gettogether planning comming on.

  3. I don't think I've seen a kovakka dish looking so appetising ever!!I might even try it after seeing the yummy pic!!And yeah,good to see your post after a loooooong time!!

  4. Good to see you back....I don't like kovakka...but yours look so delicious!!! btw I like new look of your blog....keep posting....

  5. Looks delicious, my mil makes a version of mezhukkuparratti with plaintain, first time I see this with kovakkai , good one :-)

  6. This is a healthy vegetable stir fry. Looks so good. Loved it so much...

  7. lovly tindaa stir fry..here v 3 love them lov tindoora..i add little but coriander powder and lots of garlic...urs looks yummyyyyyyyyy yum..

  8. That looks lovely! glad you are back :)

  9. Looks so yumm,i have never ever cooked tindora in my life,but sure some time I have to....
    Hope u ll be regular in blogging here after!

  10. hey looks yummy..I love Tindora and unfortunately dont get any here.. Looks appetizing.. Loved the pic

  11. lovely curry Bharathi! I like tindora so much! Thanks for the yummy recipe.

  12. love your fired banana..coz i am bigg banana fan! :)

  13. Hey nice to see you again sweety!! I make this stir fry regularly:) looks very comforting.

  14. Thats nice to note, Indo :)

    Yeah, Thoran is another way of preparing the veg.
    Co ordination going in full swing..truly hectic for me :)..really enjoying at the same time!!

    Thanks girls,Divya and Swapna :)

    Thankyou Usha and Sukanya :)

    Thanks a lot for those encouraging words Suma and sis :)

    He he hopefully, Raks ;)

    Uj and Uma..Thanks a lot :)

    Glad you like it Sonal.Loved your blog too :) keep posting..:)

    Thnks a lot for dropping by Sharmi :)

  15. This is a vegetable I hardly ever buy as we do't really like it, except a pickle I make which only I eat.:(
    But your stir fries look so tempting, I might be persuaded to change my mind. :)

  16. Thankfully, my husband and I both adore this vegetable. Yours looks simply superb, dear! :)

  17. Both my husband and my son are big fans of tindora,
    Simple and nice.

  18. Loved your version of Tindora, looks delicious!

  19. Just the other day my daughter was asking me what is the English name for kovakka. I did tell her that it could be some gourd. But didn't know what! ! ! I told her that I would check it out and totally forgot about it. I will tell her that its ivy gourd, the first thing when she gets back from school today :-) Btw, this preparation looks delicious. Luckily, my kids love this vegetable and I surely don't have to think twice before trying out different recipes with this one veg.


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