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Thursday, December 18, 2008

Best of 2008! - Packing up for the year..

I admit, being a sporadic blogger this year :) ..popping up now and then giving reasons such as family commitments, lots of travel, poor connectivity and so on ;)..(well, they ARE solid excuses, aren't they?? ;))

Again, amazed to realise the fact that the authentic recipes have ‘clicked’ this year too making them the so called ‘hit posts’..

..so, not much to brag about and better restricting to the top 5 of the year..

Spicy Baby Potatoes

The simplicity of preparing the dish, the availability of the ingredients might have been the reason of this 'hit recipe' :)


Never had in my distant most dreams that this one would ‘click’, while hurriedly entering Suganya’s ‘Healthy eats’ event, at the last moment. Since it was for this young lady who rocks with her stunning pictures, I remember working a real lot with photoshop(exploring for the first time, ever) for better pictures...and finally, the hark work paid! ;)..

Jack fruit Dumplings/Chakka Kumbil Appam.

Yet another authentic recipe from my home town, which hit the list.

The recipes which many of my blogger friends tried, appreciated and got back with good results (supposedly ;)) were..

Chettinad Karakkuzhambu

And Ghee fried Bananas

This post is for Srivalli who hosts the event, Best of year 2008! :)
..needless to mention again, the great GREAT time we shared while co-ordinating Arusuvai earlier this year.. :)..

I sincerely thank all my blogger pals and readers for their loving and kind support throughout these wonderful days of blogging making each moment lovely and meaningful.

I am eager to experiment more with new cuisines, post recipes consistenly, participate in more events and visit blogger pals’ place with words of encouragement, without fail, as always!.

Wishing you all the very best, the Season can bring!..


Bharathy :)


  1. I love all the dishes , i don't have thse appoms pan. Now i regret not buying them when i wasin India.
    That karakuzhambu looks so yumm. I rememeber thinking the same when you posted them first.
    Have a wonderfull New year

  2. I very badly want a paniyaram chatti :(

  3. I bought that chatti after seeing your Kuzhippaniyarams...and paniyaram was a big hit in my family:)...now I badly need that Kumbil:(....

  4. Wow.. gr8 dishes.. Nice delicious entries!

  5. I know what you mean about sporadic blogging, I always have the best of intentions but I don't blog as often as I'd like to... All of your dishes look delicious and mouthwatering!!!

  6. All the dishes are mouth-watering.

  7. All the dishes look really yum !

  8. I have issues with bananas, but all of those dishes look fantastic, Bharathy! With all of the commitments you have, I'm impressed with how much you manage to blog. Will see you when I get back from vacation! :)

  9. Just goes to show that "old is truly gold". :)
    Traditional food always endures.

    Best wishes for the festive season and a Happy New Year.

  10. Nice round up and Happy Holidays !!

  11. Now promise us you will treat us with more mouth-watering next year.

    Wishing you and your family a great year ahead!

  12. Happy Cook, Nags and Swapna, try to get non stick ones, next time while in India..light wt and practical :)

    Thanks Anu :)

    He he Meeso!, thanks sweetie(for making me feel less gulity ;))

    Thank Yoo girls, Uma and Usha :)

    Nice to know abt you too Kalai, through this wonderful world of blogging :)..yup will get back to you after the hols..happy hols to you too :)

    Thank you for those encouraging words, Aparna...
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you :)

    Thanks Sreelu and Happy Holidays to you too :)

    Glad to have you here Sugi! :)
    ahh..errr...he he hopefully :)
    Thanks for the wishes.
    Wishing you the same :)

  13. wow. my mouth is just watering. thanks for the delicious recipes...and I think I actually have the right pan to make the kuzhippaniyarams...yumk.

  14. Welcome to my place Nithya :).Thanks for your wonderful words, here :)

  15. wow! all the dishes are very nice!
    join in the savory event going in my blog!

  16. Nice layout bharathy...and yes even though you seem to have been off, you have blogged on some classics...:)..thanks for sharing such lovely treats with us...

  17. hey hey deary !!! ..you have got atleast these many tp pick upo as best..i dont have even that !!!

    warm regards ..mery christmans and a happy new year !!

  18. Gorgeous Entries for the event ...thts all i can say..Everything looks so delicious and tempting !

  19. Great collection Bharathy,picture of kuzhipaniyaram is too good and natural!
    Happy New Year to you!

  20. Happy New Year and love those treats!!

  21. all of them are making me drool here. lovely recipes.

  22. Great pictures and tempting dishes - the jackfruit dish is somewhat new to me - will try out this season! Thank you for your wishes and Wish you the same too!

  23. The recipes are sooo good as well as the pics..Especially karakuzhambu and kuzhipaniyaram both my all time favs.

  24. bharathy, lovely picks - ya somehow naadan works best ;) happy new year!

  25. Such lovely & delicious entries!

  26. hey bharathy..happy new year...all ur dishes are fabulous...its a super duppar hit..

  27. Jackfruit appam looks delicious, my ajji used to make something like that in Banana leaves, haven't tasted that in years!

    Happy new year to you and family.Enjoy the weekend! :))

  28. Definitely it is top 5. All the dishes look yummy and mouth watering. Book marked. Happy New Year.

  29. happy new year friend!
    how r u doing?
    i am more caught up inexcuses and blogging has become secondary....
    hope to see more of your wonderful recipes......i still make your baby potato curry and carrot rice often.....

  30. Happy New Year to you all :)!!!

    No words to Thank You for all the encouring words, here :)...

  31. hi Bharathy, love the 5 hits of the year. All look absolutely fab, and the recipes too with the traditional touch:-) Happy New Year and hope to see more frequent posts...

  32. Hi Bharathy, the collection of hits looks really impressive. jack fruit dumplings and ghee fried bananas look incredible..Cheers! Despite your excuses :), the blog looks like a buzzing one!


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