Monday, November 28, 2011

' Bhagyam' makes Thuar Adai ~ a continuation of the previous post!

It is almost a couple of hours' drive to our ancestral village. The roads are extremely bumpy and I dislike the roller coaster ride to and fro mostly done on the same day. To shake off the terrible backache and the tiredness on the following day back home is a nightmare for me lately! Still, the warmth of my inlaws, the charm of the village and the mansion becomes irresistible, each time V invites...
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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Renovation of the Ancestral Bungalow ~ Part I

I am sure many of you  remember the ancestral home post done last year. My in-laws who were living there have shifted to the near by town, again in a sweet apartment and are hale and happy with the modern facilities they were deprived of in the ancient house. So what's happening with the 100 year old bungalow? It's undergoing renovation with all the wood works and antiques being restored! This massive...
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Friday, November 18, 2011

Mochai-Kathiri-Murungai Karakuzhambu

This  flavourful 'Tamil Kuzhambu' is very much associated with my inlaws' cuisine. I believe the base of this Kuzhambu is almost similar to any vegetarian  Karakuzhambu of the state. Mochai and Murungai never falls in the same season, mochai available only in winter while murungai or the drumsticks are abundant only in summer. Somehow I was lucky enough to get hold of both mochai...
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Monday, November 14, 2011

Godhumai Idiyappam / Whole Wheat Flour String Hoppers

Healthy breakfast always goes a longer way. The easily digestible steamed food is not only nourishing but is apt for all ages. Here is a breakfast which you can prepare within minutes. If you do not have the time to make a side dish for this one, simply drizzle fresh melted ghee and top with sugar. It will definitely be a change to your routine cereal and fruits! Honestly I havent...
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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Picture of the Week ~ Wedding

 The family gathered for yet another wedding which happened last week.   Among the professionals clicking away to glory I managed to click a few candid shots which was circulated  and much appreciated by the family members. Thought of sharing the album cover with you.....
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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Self Saucing Coffee and Chocolate Pudding

And here's another month of sweet punch with an interesting combination of coffee and cocoa baked into a fudgy treat! Being in my hometown for a week, I never had an idea to bake this until this morning. But seeing amma's fridge stocked with cocoa, brown sugar (Swapna, I should thank you for this :)) fresh butter, walnuts and eggs I made up my mind to bake it right away. Coffee and Chocolate...
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